I think a lot of the views that Carol Dweck deduced from her experiment and thoughts on people to be correct. I also believe that under pressure people grow or they look for an avenue out through easier means and accept their failure. I also believe that people naturally don't want to run into difficulty in their life. Humans are like water they want to take the easiest path. I believe however that those individuals who seek out the pain and pressure are the ones who grow the most into something truly remarkable. They have increased their capacity to work and endure so much so that they have allowed themselves to continually grow! I believe that she was spot on when she talked about test scores and its affect on children. Children want awards now, that is their incentive to work. I also found her thoughts on "yet" to be fascinating. I believe that everyone's brain is wired differently and so children should be evaluated on the process they take to get to answers. This is how growth happens. I believe the growth mindset she is talking about is worth further research and definite implementation in school systems! Growth happens through discomfort. Being comfortable kills work ethic and produces laziness.
Looking at the Growth Mindset Challenges would be worth participating in. I personally would take part in reading more about mindsets, exploring what genius is and how I can possibly obtain it, and lastly focus on feedback. I believe in the saying, "acquire what you admire". Which to me means become what you view as something worthy. I would like to explore great mindsets held by those successful so that I might acquire a way of thinking that would allow me to better myself. The next thing I would like to challenge myself to do for personal growth is to explore genius. Ask myself can I possibly obtain it and if so how? Lastly I would challenge myself to focusing on feedback of those around me. I believe this way I will be able to grow from things that I myself might not see. Those around me may see something that I could improve on and I should allow myself to be open to that change.
I agree with you that we as humans are like water we want easy way through everything and those who actually work on themselves face challenges and work on problems ar the ones who actually turn out to be successful or actually be something in their lives. I like how you reflected on the fact that you would love to get feedback from people and use it to better yourself and observe the people who are successful so that you can pick up some useful skills.