Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Reeding Notes Week 12 Part B

Monkey King Cont.
The king found the fruit and the monkeys. He ordered his men to surround them and let none of them escape so that they may eat them. The monkeys heard this and were afraid. They asked their king what they should do. They also heard the men mention that they were to capture the monkeys in the morning not leaving much time for them to escape. The monkey king thought a while and came up with a plan to use reeds tied to his feet to creat a bridge for his people to cross over. When he did this the reeds were to short so it did not work. He with all his might clung to the branch and called all his eighty thousand followers to run over his back onto the reed so they might not die. They all did this and lived. One of the monkeys however jumped upon his back and broke it for he was quite heavy. The King Brahmadatta saw this and shed much tears for the monkey king seeing what had happened. The monkey king mentioned to Brahmadatta that it was okay if he died because his people would live on. This caused the king to have a change of heart and to rule his people with love.

Image result for monkey

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